Our 2024 Fund-A-Basket Sponsors

A heartfelt thank you to our sponsors

All our sponsors have donated $1,000+ in order to sponsor the cost of an entire wish basket. (And some sponsor more than one basket!) These baskets are delivered to children receiving care at the MU Children’s Hospital for a chronic and/or life threatening condition. The Pascale’s Pals Wish Basket program is our longest standing program for the Children’s Hospital.

Event Sponsor:

Basket Sponsors:

Colleen and Ed Goss

Nancy Richardson

Donna & Dick Otto Susan Scott

Steve and Sherry Wendling

Fred Overton

Travis and Amber Condict

John and Joan Petralia

Ruth Ann and Larry Douglas

Jay and Stacye Bryant-Wimp

Jennifer Megee

Lauren and Matt Detelich

Monica and Darrell Widhalm

Guy and Andrea Bouchard

Nicole and Bryan Bliven

Pascale’s Pals is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization #43-1832169